A selection of my favourite resources (videos, tutorials, blogs, books, conferences, reports and quotes) introducing and describing the Linked Data idea. But, first I would like to highlight the 4 principles of Linked Data, and also the nice idea of a 5 star rating scheme for Linked Open Data.
The 4 principles of Linked Data
- Design issues, original note by Tim Berners-Lee
- Wikipedia
- 5 ★ Open Data, examples and costs/benefits
- Femstjärnig öppen data (Swedish)
- Linked Data vs Open Data vs RDF Data
- Your ★★★★★ data need ★★★★★ vocabularies
- Why Linked Data? This three-minute video gives an introduction to Linked Data, from understanding why to use it, who is using it and introducing Ordnance Survey Linked Open Data.
- Executive briefing on Linked Data, 3 minutes, by David Wood, at 3 round stone
- Linked Data for Libraries, from OCLC
- Linked Data (and the Web of Data), 4 minutes, by Michael Hausenblas, at the Linked Data Research Center (LiDRC)
- Linked Open Data, simple animation to explain what Linked Open Data is and why it's a good thing, both for users and for data providers, 4 minutes, by Europeana is Europe’s multilingual digital library, museum and archive
- A short non-technical introduction to Linked Data, Google's Knowledge Graph, and Facebook's Open Graph Protocol, 12 mins, by Manu Sporny CEO of Digital Bazaar
- What is Linked Data and Why Should Web Professionals Care?, 14 minutes, interview with Manu Sporny, CEO of Digital Bazaar
Linked Data life cycles, by Michael Hausenblas, 24 minutes in total, at the Linked Data Research Center (LiDRC) - Opening the information floodgates: the technologies and challenges of a web of linked data, 70 minutes, Nigel Shadbolt
- Semantic Web and Linked Data or how to link data. A W3C tutorial at WWW2014 by Fabien Gandon (@abien_gandon)
- Genebanks tutorial: What is Linked Data? by Lucas Matteis (@lmatteis)
- Linked Data Tutorial, Juan F. Secueda, presented at the semtechbiz 2012, Semantic Technology and Business Conference
- How to Publish Linked Data on the Web, by Chris Bizer, Richard Cyganiak, Tom Heath
- What is Linked Data, from the LUCERO project, Linking University Content for Education and Research Online
- Learn Linked Data, from the creators of PublishMyData
- Linked Data 101, from 3Roundstones
- Länkade data i Sverige, Linked data in Sweden - catalog and intro in Swedish
- Web of Data, Michel Hausenblas
- Bill Roberts on the Web of Data
- Free Your Data Blog
- Toward a Basic Profile for Linked Data, A collection of best practices and a simple approach for a Linked Data architecture, IBM developersWork posy by Martin Nally and Steve Speicher
- Why is Enterprise Linked Data Important?, Google+ post by Kingsley Idehen
- Problems of Linked data, a four-part series by by Vuk Miličić
- Industrialized Linked Data, Dave Reynolds, presented at the semtechbiz 2012, Semantic Technology and Business Conference
- http://linkeddatadeveloper.com/ collecting books on Linked Data.
- Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space, Tom Heath and Christian Blizer
- Linking Enterprise Data, David Wood, Editor
- Linking Government Data, David Wood, Editor
- Linked Open Data: The Essentials, A Quick Start Guide for Decision Makers, by the EU project REEEP (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership) and Semantic Web Company (SWC)
- Linked Data Patterns, A pattern catalogue for modelling, publishing, and consuming Linked Data, by Leigh Dodds and Ian Davis
- Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications (both as a Java, Scala, Clojure, and JRuby Edition and as a Common List Edition), Mark Watson's open content
- Linked Enterprise Data Patterns, Data-driven Applications on the Web, 6-7 December 2011, Cambridge, MA, hosted by W3C/MIT. (See my blogpost reporting from following it remotely.)
- Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2012), in the serie of W3C workshops since 2008. A WWW2012 workshop, 16 April, 2012, Lyon, France
White papers and Reports
- Linked Data, Connecting and exploiting Big Data, white paper from Fujitsu, UK
Data integration is done on the application level,
linked data does it on the data level.
While big data will make an organisation smarter
and more productive, open data and linked data
will make it richer.
The role of information in the modern enterprise architecture programme,
Computerworld UK, reporting results from Gartner's recent global
enterprise architecture (EA) survey.
Linked Data techniques allow organizations to publish more,
reuse more and combine more data
for a fraction of the cost of older methods
3 Round Stones CEO Bernadette Hyland
Taking Inspiration from Open Government Initiatives
We believe that Linked Data has the potential to solve some important problems
that have frustrated the IT industry for many years, or at least to make significant
advances in that direction.
IBM developersWorks
Toward a Basic Profile for Linked Data
Linked Data ... a global information graph that users and applications
can seamlessly browse by resolving trails of URI links ("following one's nose"),
a data powered form of "toURIsm."
Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report
In addition to making flatfiles available to download on the Web, and providing applications that enable programmatic access to backend databases through the Web, imagine using the Web itself as a database: a massively distributed, decentralized database. This is what Linked Data is about – putting data in the Web.
George Thomas
Clinical quality linked data on health.data.gov
Clinical quality linked data on health.data.gov
Linked Data could provide the antidote to the chaos
and complexity of the current overabundant array of
too simple search mechanisms with too little precision and
too short recall of relevant results.
Michael A. Keller
The Stanford University Libraries Newsletter
The Stanford University Libraries Newsletter