Earlier this week I followed yet another event remotely. This time the workshop arranged by W3C on Linked Enterprise Data Patterns, in Cambridge, MA. So, I had some nice hours on the bus in the dark evenings and mornings over here in Sweden when I followed things on the:
- conference website: position papers
- twitter feed: #LEDP
- irc channel log/scribe: first day and second day
Here's a couple of things I did find extra interesting:
An article on IBM developerWorks presented by Martin Nally: Toward a Basic Profile for Linked Data, A collection of best practices and a simple approach for a Linked Data architecture
New role proposed by Tim Berners-Lee (@timberners_lee) "Chief Identity Officer".
IBM DB2 will include RDF support sometime in 2012.
I have followed the work of Eric Prud'hommeaux, W3C, on access controls and policy medication to enable networks of parties across industry, health care, and academia to share sensitive data such as clinical records.
- In this workshop Eric presented ideas I want to understand better: Combining XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup Language) with SPIN rules in SPARQL queries. Eric's Position paper: SPARQL Access Policies, and presentation: Access Control Landscape. Controlling READ/WRITE of information as sets
- An paper from 2008 co-authored by Eric that I have found very useful: Policy Mediation to Enable Collaborative Use of Sensitive Data
Two papers on identity and URI:s with interesting people as co-authors that I'll read in more detail:
- Identity Crisis in Linked Data, co-authored by Ora Lassila (@gotsemantic), Nokia, and also one of the auhors of the famous Scientific American article on semantic web from 2001
- Diverted URI Pattern, co-authored by David Wood (@prototypo), and also the editor of the great book Linking Enterprise Data.
And, finally, a quite interesting discussion on 'silo folks & data integration folks' between David Wood and Bradley P. Allen captured by Sandro Hawke (@Sandhawke) in the irc channel log/scribe from the first day.
davidw: Where RDF really shines is in crossing silos, connecting things where traditional approaches have left off.
davidw: Some orgs that have succeeded well (DoD, O'Reilly), they built a new team and hire ontologists if they need them, they get consultants in, they build a skunk works to do that bit between the silos. They leave the DBAs in place, because the DBA stuff still needs to get done.
davidw: And they have consultants/new team to build out that bridging infrastructure. You're not going to convert your silo folks -- really good at silos -- into data integration folks.
Allen: That's what we're doing, with a startup group, showing we can solve this interop problem.
Allen: When people see this, they perk up, and want to know more.
Other blog posts from the conference:
- Lee Feigenbaum (TechnicaLee Speaking)
- Ora Lassila blog about Common Lisp, Semantic Web, and Wilbur