
Monday, June 24, 2013

Semantic Trilogy preparation

The Swedish Midsummer weekend is over and it's time to look forward. Saturday 6th to Friday 12th of July I'll attend the Semantic Trilogy in Montreal, Qc, Canada.

I plan to attend these events during the week:
In 2011 I, together with three colleagues, attended the ICBO 2011 event (see my three blog post: Preparations part 1 and part 2,  report). So, I look forward to reconnect with people in the OBO (The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies) community.

And to meet F2F interesting people in the W3C HCLS (Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group). And people interested in ontologies and semantic web working for e.g. Sanofi, Novo Nordisk, Mayo Clinic.

I'm also very happy that I'll get the opportunity to attend my third semantic web related event in Canada.
  • In 2007 I attended the WWW2007 conference in wonderful Banff.
"During the WWW2007 conference a breakthrough of the Linked Data idea happened in a session where web experts demonstrated the power of a new generation of the web, a web of data. For us attending the session it was hard to imagine the full potential on what this idea would mean for individual scientists and for a pharmaceutical company." 
From  Linked Data, an opportunity to mitigate complexity in pharmaceutical research and development, Bo Andersson and Kerstin Forsberg, LWDM 2011 

And yes, I do hope to also get some time during the weekend to visit the Jazz Festival.

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